Welcome to St. John Lutheran Church

"'Sharing The Joy Of His News' by growing inward through God's Word, Sacraments and Fellowship; and by growing outward
through words, actions and mission outreach.
" - St. John Lutheran Church (LCMS)

The Sunday Divine Services

The Divine Service is the center of our life of faith in Christ. It is being celebrated each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. May our Lord continue to bless you this week. We'll see you on Sunday!

Parish Services


The Second Sunday after the Epiphany
The Baptism of Our Lord and Life Sunday


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The Second Sunday after the Ephiphany - January 19, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.
  The Second Sunday after the Epiphany Worship Service Bulletin

Pastor Toensing

Happy New Year, dear Saints of God at St. John, I wish you a very blessed year filled with God’s grace and gifts. As we give our Lord thanks for His mercy and blessings in the last year, so we are assured of His grace for us in Jesus Christ in this New Year. Each year brings its own challenges and opportunities. How blessed we were to celebrate our 150th year as a congregation last year. As last year focused on that celebration. This year I would like to see our congregation make an emphasis on growing in Christ Jesus our Lord. A good text that reminds us of this is 2 Peter 3:18 (ESV): “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (Read in full here..)

Updated: 1.1.25


Holy Baptism Opens Heaven to You

The Baptism of our Lord is an “Epiphany” of the one true God in the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. In divine mercy, He takes His place with sinners and takes their sin upon Himself. “When all the people were baptized,” Jesus submitted Himself to a Baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 3:21). He had no sins of His own, but He took the sins of the world upon Himself and so was baptized into His own death. Therefore, “when you pass through the waters,” He is with you (Is. 43:2). He created you for His glory, and He has redeemed you with His blood, that you may be His own and live with Him in His kingdom (Is. 43:1, 7). As you are baptized with a Baptism like His, so also are you united with Him in His death and resurrection that you “might walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4). For all who are baptized into Christ Jesus receive His anointing of the Holy Spirit and are named by His Father as beloved and well-pleasing sons and daughters. 

Updated 1.16.25


Worship Services

Worship services at St. John are scheduled each Sunday and Wednesday. Sunday morning Communion services are held on the odd numbered weeks each month with non-communion services held on the even numbered Sundays. (Seasonally adjusted Service Times...)

  • Sunday Morning - 9:00 a.m.
  • Wednesday Evening - (Held during the Advent and Lenten Season - See Calendar during those months for service times.)


Sunday Bible Class

Join us on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. for adult Bible class where a variety of Christ centered topics are covered.

Jesus Christ brings the Gospel (from older English, "Good-spel," "good news") to the world. He announces that in His person the kingdom of God has come to mankind and that through faith in Him people might find new and eternal life. He is Himself the Good News, or Gospel.