Welcome to St. John Lutheran Church

"'Sharing The Joy Of His News' by growing inward through God's Word, Sacraments and Fellowship; and by growing outward
through words, actions and mission outreach.
" - St. John Lutheran Church (LCMS)

The Sunday Divine Services

The Divine Service is the center of our life of faith in Christ. It is being celebrated each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. May our Lord continue to bless you this week. We'll see you on Sunday!

Parish Services


The Third Sunday in Advent with Children's Christmas Program - December 15th
Midweek Advent Worship - December 18th


 Previous or Upcoming Online...

Third Sunday in Advent Worship Service - December 15, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
December 15 2024 Children's Program Worship Service Bulletin
Midweek Advent Worship Service - December 18, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.
December 18, 2024 Midweek Advent Worship - forthcoming...

Pastor Toensing

During this month of Advent and Christmas, we are going to focus a lot on light. Reflecting light, star light, rising light, and so on. Why? Why so much talk about something so every day and common? Isaiah 9:2 explains it: "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone."

This month we await and then celebrate the coming of The Light of the world—Jesus Christ. He came as a baby, but He is our Savior Who illuminates our world and brights the light of life and salvation in the midst of darkness. This Advent and Christmas may the light of Christ shine on you and give you the hope and assurance of His eternal light. (Read in full here..)

Updated: 11.26.24


Christ in Word & Sacrament

The season of Advent focuses on the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and this first Sunday establishes this theme for the rest of the season. The Son of God came long ago to be our Savior, “a righteous Branch” descended from David (Jer. 33:15). As He then came into Jerusalem, riding on a lowly donkey to sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world (Luke 19:28–40), so does He come to His Church today in the humility of Word and Sacrament to deliver the fruits of His Passion: the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

Updated 11.29.24


Worship Services

Worship services at St. John are scheduled each Sunday and Wednesday. Sunday morning Communion services are held on the odd numbered weeks each month with non-communion services held on the even numbered Sundays. (Seasonally adjusted Service Times...)

  • Sunday Morning - 9:00 a.m.
  • Wednesday Evening - (Held during the Advent and Lenten Season - See Calendar during those months for service times.)


Sunday Bible Class

Join us on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. for adult Bible class where a variety of Christ centered topics are covered.

Jesus Christ brings the Gospel (from older English, "Good-spel," "good news") to the world. He announces that in His person the kingdom of God has come to mankind and that through faith in Him people might find new and eternal life. He is Himself the Good News, or Gospel.