"'Sharing The
News' by growing
inward through God's Word, Sacraments and Fellowship; and by growing
through words, actions and mission outreach." - St. John
Lutheran Church (LCMS)
The Divine Service is the center of our life of faith in Christ. It is being celebrated each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. May our Lord continue to bless you this week. We'll see you on Sunday!
150th Banquet & Church Directory Photo-shoot RSVP
A PRAYER FOR FAMILIES: "Dear heavenly Father, we come as your children to praise you for putting us in our family — and in our church family. Thank you for the love and nourishment we receive from the people in whose presence you’ve placed us. We confess our need for your guidance in our families and congregation. Please grant us harmony in our homes and church body. In all situations, help us show love, patience and respect for one another. In your name we pray. Amen."
Updated: 7.1.24
As a part of the St. John 150th Anniversary celebration, the Board of Evangelism is planning a “WALK” on September 29th beginning at 3:00 pm. The theme is “WALK IN FAITH WITH ONE ANOTHER”. Registration forms are available in the narthex. We want to invite ALL members (and of course, bring friends) to join us for this special time of Fun and Fellowship!
Updated 9.15.24
Worship services at St. John are scheduled each Sunday and Wednesday. Sunday morning Communion services are held on the odd numbered weeks each month with non-communion services held on the even numbered Sundays. (Seasonally adjusted Service Times...)
Join us on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. for adult Bible class where a variety of Christ centered topics are covered.
Jesus Christ brings the Gospel (from older English, "Good-spel," "good news") to the world. He announces that in His person the kingdom of God has come to mankind and that through faith in Him people might find new and eternal life. He is Himself the Good News, or Gospel.